
Parker PoleStar Smart-E Refrigeration Dryers

PoleStar Smart refrigeration dryers have been designed for the efficient removal of water from compressed air. Equipped with the patented SmartSave energy-saving feature PoleStar Smart refrigeration dryers continually and precisely modulates its mode of operation to meet prevailing operating conditions, resulting in accurate dew-point monitoring with corresponding aligned power consumption.

Furthermore, indirect cost savings, reducing the “hidden costs” of pressure drop are maximised by the use of patented “all-in-one” aluminium heat-exchanger-SmartPack. Here the provision of large open channels and no-interconnecting pipe-work enables the free, un-interrupted passage of air through the dryer, resulting in pressure drops second to none.

explodded view


  • State-of-the art aluminum SmartPack heat exchanger includes a large air-to-air heat exchanger to pre-cool incoming compressed air and reduce energy consumption.
  • Efficient SmartPack HX, electronic hot-gas valve and innovative micro-channel condensers result in lower adsorbed power and about 40% less refrigerant verses additional solutions.
  • Low pressure drop design of the Smart- Pack HX and low absorbed power of the refrigerant circuit make PSE dryers a highly competitive solution with lower operating costs vs comparable dryers.
  • Comprehensive electronic controllers, including touch screen panels on PSE700 and larger, provide indication of compressed air temperature, service reminder, data log, alarm history, integral capacitive drain control and much more.
  • LED unit status indicator on model PSE1400 and larger.
  • High and low pressure gauges for refrigerant circuit on models PSE700 and larger.
  • Remote communication protocol, industry 4.0 ready, on all units; web server from model PSE700 and IoT ready from model PSE1400.
  • Energy savings technology that enables all PSE dryers to save energy by cycling the refrigerant compressor off at partial load while maintaining a constant outlet dewpoint.
  • Variable speed fans on PSE1400 and larger deliver additional cost savings at partial load and increased condensation stability.
  • Compliant scroll refrigeration compressors offer longer life, lower noise and energy savings of up to 20% compared to piston alternatives.
  • Inlet and outlet air connections installed on both sides of PSE2000 and larger allow for installation flexibility and simplify banking multiple units together.
  • Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerant, R513A, used on all PSE units - protecting the environment.