
Apera AI-powered 4D Vision Technology opens up an entirely new level of automation at unprecedented speeds – by providing robots with human-like 3D vision for applications that include bin-picking, pick-and-place, assembly, packaging and sorting. With Apera you gain speed, intelligence and perception in your workcells, and can do it with simpler hardware than 3D systems.
Apera Vue Software
Vue software gives robot human-like intelligence and speed. Vue is computer vision software that guides robots as they move and handle objects. Apera Autopilot enables the robot to take the best path in and out of a movement. The robot and the object it is handling will not collide with other objects in the environment.
Apera Dexterity enables the robot to be able to grasp and precisely place objects. The robot will find the most pickable object in a complex array align it to the needed position and precisely place it.

Apera 4D Vision
Apera's AI-powered 4D Vision technology enables customers to go beyond conventional capabilities with simpler hardware than traditional 3D systems. This technology maximizes speed, enhances intelligence and improves perception in each work cell.
4D vision delivers cycle times as fast as 3 hertz or 0.3 seconds — a speed quicker than any other vision technology on the market. Work cells guided by 4D Vision can handle and place a broad item range. Apera AI systems hit the industry benchmark of 99% reliability with less hardware and lower costs with the ability to operate without structured light, precise fixtures or lasers.
Apera Foresight
Apera AI has released Foresight into its Vue robotic vision software. Foresight processes 2D images in a new way through Vue’s AI engine to create 3D object identification and path planning for industrial robots and cobots. This lowers Apera’s industry-leading total vision cycle times, allowing manufacturers to hit new milestones in robotic guidance speed and efficiency. Foresight’s AI image processing method means the robot will approach the work area with vision guidance already processed to achieve the next task. From our testing, Foresight can decrease total robot cycle time by as much as 30%.
Apera Forge Lab
Forge Lab drastically reduces the time and risks involved with developing vision-guided robotic cells for bin picking and material handling.
Without any cameras, computers, robots or hardware, you can develop cells and send them for AI vision training. Within 24 hours, the vision program can be deployed into real production cells using Apera Vue software.
Forge Lab guides you step-by-step through all the components in building a vision-guided robotic cell. When your cell is built, being able to run hundreds of simulations quickly enables you to check and improve your design. Find and solve challenging edge problems through full random and structured simulations.